
Who are we?

By now it is common knowledge that secularisation is accelerating worldwide. More and more people think less and less about God, and church and faith are becoming less part of the modern person’s life. This Evangelism task team thinks and prays about how this process can be reversed.


What we do

The task team believes that cultural change can be cultivated in congregations and faith communities so that people can once again become passionate about the proclamation of Jesus Christ as the core of their purpose and existence. The task team is thinking about how ordinary people can be empowered and how evangelism should no longer be seen as the sole focus area of ​​a commission or committee, but as the everyday activity of church members.


Target groups

The task team wants to connect with the people who have left the church and have abandoned their faith a long time ago as well as people who are still in congregations but have intense doubts about faith. We (most certainly) also want to focus on the transmission of faith to the new generation of young people who are the future of the church. In addition to these groups, we want to target outsiders in society, people who are in misery, those who go through life without hope and others who wonder if God even exists. Doubt often grows out of the experiences of everyday existence.

Support and liaison with existing outreach ministries in the service of and in the interest of congregations


The task team wants to start 2023 with an ecumenical conference on evangelism which will be expanded with four regional meetings/conferences where we, in various areas in the synodical area, will reflect on this challenge together. The task team does not want to reinvent the wheel but wants to works closely with other role players who are already active in this field. These include Alpha and some of our reverends in Belgium and Japan


Our hope

To empower volunteers to walk alongside congregations on a consultative basis to mediate this culture change – from a congregation that only exists for its own sake to a congregation that exists for the sake of a lost world.



Dr Braam Hanekom (Manager)
083 302 8639


021 957 7202

Task Team Members

*Chairperson still needs to be appointed.
• Rev. André le Roux
• Dr Braam Hanekom (MSS: Public Witness & Evangelism)
• Rev. Danie Murray
• Dr Daniël de Wet (MSS: Ecumenical Partnerships in Africa)
• Nelinha van der Walt
• Nico Rademeyer
• Rev. Stephen Pedro (MSS: Congregational Witness)
• Rev. René Potgieter (DRC Stellenberg)
• Dr Stephan van der Walt (Mission Japan)
• ds Tobie de Wet (Mission Japan)
• Trevor Pearce
• Ms Jenny MacMaster
• Rev. Ben Marais (Sports Ministry)
• Mrs Jeanie de Wet (SIMCHA Jews Ministry)