Witness Ministry consists of six task teams:


Congregations, presbyteries and sister churches are supported to witness in a missional manner. Partnership-like witness ministries are developed in conjunction with fellow believers from our Dutch Reformed Church Family in the various ministries in and from Africa.

Stephen Pedro
(+27) 21 957 7179


Our task team would like to help people rediscover their roots in creation by going back to the Bible’s narrative about nature and creation. Creation plays an important role in God’s story with man and our dream is to guide people to the realisation that our life and faith cannot be detached from nature.

Hanli Grové
083 226 6333


We develop, facilitate and manage networks, partnerships and activities as agreed by the three churches (Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa [DR Church Western Cape], URCSA Cape Regional Synod and the Reformed Church in Africa), on the basis of the Witness Ministry’s regulation (cf Regl 12b), and as amended and agreed from time to time.

Daniël de Wet
(+27) 21 957 7204


The task team believes that cultural change can be cultivated in congregations and faith communities so that people can once again become passionate about the proclamation of Jesus Christ as the core of their purpose and existence. The task team is thinking about how ordinary people can be empowered and how evangelism should no longer be seen as the sole focus area of ​​a commission or committee, but as the everyday activity of church members.

Braam Hanekom
021 9577117 / 7202


We are an extension of Christian churches that does not represent the preferences or style of one particular denomination. This ministry represents the whole church of Christ in the workplace and as such is aimed at people in their work situations. We are a conscience for the marketplace, supports Christian believers and brings the gospel to unbelievers and is a shoulder for people who are suffering. Industrial Ministry also offers relevant training programmes that not only add value to the lives of individual employees but also contribute to the success of companies and organizations. Our focus areas are seafarers and fishermen (Biblia Harbour Mission), Transnet and Trade & Industry (any place of work).

Jaco Leeuwner
082 047 7487


The Centre for Public Witness wants to bring the gospel to the marketplace in the widest possible sense. It wants to proclaim Jesus Christ’s message of reconciliation but also wants it to be manifested in the most current issues that we have to deal with. It wants to promote talks and dialogue on a local level and it wants to increase the Church’s contacts and networks with the government, the media and businesses.

Braam Hanekom
021 9577117 / 7202