Since Gielie Loubser and his KIX team, in collaboration with Anna Marie de Klerk from Malingunde, introduced the KIX Project (for the training of nursery school teachers in the Malingunde area) in 2009, a lot has happened.
Thanks to KIX a total of 154 teachers could be trained there from July 2010 to June 2012. With the two majors Teaching Methodology and Child Evangelism as basis, it was ensured that their nursery school children will receive strong Christian-based teaching.
The KIX Nursery School functions as a model school and offers the opportunity to teachers (who did the KIX – training program) to come for short training periods. Here they will be educated in School Management and Adult Leadership. In this way, their expertise will be regularly sharpened and they will be guided in adjustments to methods and materials available for the effective development of children.
The nursery school at Malingunde consists of an office and three classrooms that can accommodate 75 children between the age of 3 to 5. The staff consists of Elizabeth Kampheta (the principal) who took over from AnnaMarie de Klerk and Mery Chinthuchanji (vice-principal).
The school was officially opened on September 17, 2012. The new caretaker of the school, Mrs Denisa Chithuthu took over from Fletcher Chulenje in August 2016.
AnneMarie De Klerk