The IRM (Igreja Reformada emMoçambique), our sister church in Mozambique, has currently about 80 000 members, 75 congregations and 86 ministers. The three synods Tumbine, Mphatso and Novo form one General Synod. Witness Ministry is involved especially in Mphatso Synod in Tête Province and Tumbine Synod in Northeastern Mozambique.
The Tumbine Synod has 24 congregations and 25 local pastors. One pastor is from South Africa (Nohacalala congregation in Nampula Province) and 1 local evangelist and 2 south African evangelists, they are serving at Quionga and Pemba in Cabo Delgado Province.
Mphatso Synod has 35 congregations, 5 mission zones, 8 presbyteries and 40 ministers pastors, of which, 34 are at congregations, 5 at the 4 departments and 1 retired.
Novo Synod has 16 congregations, 4 presbyteries, 9 missionary zones and 21 ministers.
Witness Ministry supports developing congregations by supplementing their teachers’ salaries, and by helping them to guide their congregation members in understanding offerings. With the Pastor’s Fund the CFW supports existing and new ministering opportunities in the church in Mozambique, which experience shortages. These range from direct aid to projects of the church, to the compensation of sent personnel.
Mphatso Synod has several mission areas where new congregations are established. Rev. Khosa was sent by the synod as missionary to establish congregations within the areas. Surrounding congregations have also been incorporated into his ministries. Sometimes even congregations from Lilongwe in Malawi have outreaches to support him with his ministry.
Thumbine Synod has several mission areas:
NB: Read more about the IRM HERE.
Dr Daniël de Wet
021 957 7179